Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
101-10626 City Pkwy Surrey
Full Name
Preferred Name
Date of Birth Gender MaleFemaleOther Address City Province Postal Code Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone E-mail Address
Emergency Contact or Responsible Party if under the age of 18
Name Phone
Friend Referral (Please provide name)GoogleSocial Media
Reason for current appointment [texta rea textarea-396 "Reason for current appointment:"]
Do you have any oral habits such as clenching, grinding or thumb sucking?YesNo
Do you have any jaw joint problems? YesNoI’m not sure
Do you have bleeding gums? YesNo
Do you suffer from bad breath or halitosis? YesNo
How would you assess your general health? GoodFairPoor
Have you been hospitalized in the last 3 years?YesNo
[textarea List all the medications you take (Please include prescription and over the counter) "Reason for current appointment:"]
Your email
Your message (optional)